Boys are

 Boys are 

Funny patients.......HiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii

Funny patients.......HiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii

Macgyver. Season 1, Episode 2: The Golden Triangle

MacGyver is sent to Burma to retrieve a poison-filled canister from a crash site. While there, a drug lord mistakes MacGyver for a narcotics agent, forcing him into a confrontation. 

Heart Touching Video.. Song !!!Tujhse Naraz Nahi Zindegi

Blind Man singing heart touching song. Must see and coment, Plz.

Macgyver. Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot


Angus Macgyver is a secret agent with a difference. He is quiet, mild mannered, deeply principled and refuses to carry a gun on his missions. Fortunately, the last detail is unimportant when compared to his astounding mind. Drawing on a vast practical knowledge of science, Macgyver is able to

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